With the attractive slogan "Where do you want to play?" Is announced plandeGira (www.plandegira.com), a new web platform that attempts to integrate music professionals with common interests: to find a room to play, organize bowling and In short, plan their tours. However, his platform goes further, offering the possibility of contracting other services related to the tours, and car rentals or the integration of ticketing platform, grouped all the proactive philosophy of do-it-yourself. Interested in the subject from the outset, we believe the best way to know how your product is to talk directly with founders to explain to us, from the beginning of the project, what and where to seek to reach plandeGira.
Question: Explicadnos, first with your own words, what is plandeGira, what you offer and what is your user profile.
Answer: plandeGira is a web platform where you can book first concert halls and tours plan completely online.
We offer a complete professional management facilities (public profile, availability calendar, finance, social networking connection, ticket sales ...) and a planning tool (directory of rooms, transportation procurement, Profile, Finance, etc ...) for bands and managers.
To understand better, here we have called "the TripAdvisor of live music" and may not be very wrong: choose your destiny to play, check the conditions, the views of other musicians, calendar and book the date in a few minutes. Although currently only operate in Spain, the idea is to expand as soon as possible to plan tours in other countries.
Any room where you can perform concerts may be in our directory if it meets quality requirements and verify. The same applies to bands, labels and promoters who are always professional. We do not have a user type "fan": the platform is for professionals. Visitors can access only public data, private information like never room hire bands or caches.
An important fact: the record in the platform is free.
Q: Who is behind plandeGira?
A: plandeGira is the brainchild of Javier Moral and Jose Luis Fernandez, who begins to take shape when associated with Alejandro Gomez. All three have extensive experience in online projects and both Javier and Jose Luis assembled in bands and concerts and festivals in his spare time. This gives rise to being able to define a tool that could solve problems faced continuously.
Today the entire team consists of five people involved in the design, programming and web management and marketing and online communication. Of course, we also receive contributions from people who specialize in chronic concerts, photographers ... well, we have a friend that makes us an evangelist!
Moreover, for the development of the platform we have had the opinion of concert halls and theaters as Creadi associations, Asacc, Kultura Live ... and bands from all over Spain and labels such as Music Aloud. The views of professionals and included in the survey on which we base our study are those who have helped us to create something tailored to the real needs of the sector. They are, therefore, many professionals who are really behind the project, as are their needs that we try to cover.
Q: How do you Differentials of the classic figure of "manager" who, according to your study 'book room', so few followers get? How do you handle the booking of rooms?
A: In the world of music is almost all made up, we have created plandeGira to compete against the manager, an essential figure in the industry. Just try to provide facilities making use of the new technologies. The cost savings in our industry is vital in these times, and from plandeGira try to save time and money on efforts of our professionals. We facilitate the procurement of services related to live performance: rooms, transportation, lodging ... but do not replace the functions of a manager, they are much more than that.
A band can function without leverage the platform manager to plan their tours, of course. But a band manager to work with is going to keep doing the same: the manager manages the profile of the groups they represent. Moreover, a good manager who can take or seal plandeGira the job better and faster for your groups and may have more time to offer their services to more bands or to spend on promotion or anything else.
As for the room reservation, the truth is that they are the same rooms where, after a verification process, manage your calendar, conditions and availability. We offer a large display, internal management as complete as possible so they can have everything organized from a single platform: payment and recovery, event management, promotion, tickets ... bands and managers can view all this information and check the conditions the room to ask for a performance at a specific date. If a Board closes a date with a band, we offer our secure payment platform which results in guarantees for both parties: it is as if reservases a hotel room in a travel portal.
Q: We see through your website that you can count bands like Toundra, Family or The last swimmers, among others, as first arrivals. How do you find these bands? What band profiles are what you are looking for?
A: The band (and there have been over 270 in the first 45 days) we found in several ways:
Through search engines when searching type "concert halls in that province / name of a room." We try to be well positioned in Google and other search engines for those who are actively looking for places to play, because we know that the Internet is the main source of information to be used today.
Through our presence on social networks (more than 450 fans on Facebook and over 375 followers on Twitter in just one month) where we try to share news and updates daily.
Through events in which we participate and other websites that we mentioned as is the case with this interview :)
So far we have not communication actions in print or television, but do not rule out that way if we can reach more people. We saw last week when we interviewed Ángel Carmona "It All Starts Today" visits and multiplied records that day. However, we believe that the bottom line is that people who use it find it useful and comment: word of mouth is the best promotion for an innovative service.
We do not seek a specific profile bands, the bands are in fact those seeking places to play. We simply collect all the information we get, the command and try to offer them other services that can be hired online. We are very pleased to have variety of styles in our bands, the same illusion makes us see that enlists a band that we know of nothing to do Toundra or The Family.
Of course, the bands that are devoted to harass rooms, send spam or nuisance activities are noticed once the second warning contact are prevented from room to preserve the proper functioning of the platform. That is the only band profile we do not like.
Q: After a first presentation in 2011 at the Monkey Week, I see you left the Primavera Sound PRO 2012 what are your feelings and expectations about it? Can you give us some notes on your business plan for the coming months?
A: The Monkey Week presentation was on a private beta and helped us to identify gaps that had the web and focus on the development of the features that attracted more demand. The fact that we Primavera Sound PRO has invited his official panel just a month after opening the registration of the web we are thrilled and gives us an ideal showcase to display the project.
The feeling was good and our expectation is only known to us to go slowly and keep improving the website with the instructions of the professionals that we know, as everyone can contribute their views of the sector to try to build a tool as useful as possible.
In the coming months we will focus on trying to get to the rooms to check first hand what we offer: it's hard to explain if you have not before because there is no precedent and that's always scary. But so far, all rooms have been interested enough to try the web wanted to participate in the platform. We also hope that the band talking about the web go to theaters that do not yet know us and moving experience to go from one to another.
As for functionality, the following pages is to provide a very comprehensive chronicles of events, integrated ticketing provider, offering the services of communication and promotion, offering accommodation for touring and, perhaps most importantly, we will soon have hiring a band, where rooms or work with cache box office will offer this option to the bands.
Can you imagine how useful it can be listed and have ordered a lot of rooms where they pay for play? What to ask for a date online in just minutes? We are very excited about the options open to us thanks to the participation of users.
As we said earlier, is a project plandeGira hopeful that deserves our attention. Only time will tell where they come within the Spanish music scene, but no shortage of reasons to believe that with hard work, can be a totally viable option for those recurrent and new bands (and not so novel) seeking an easy and effective to design, develop and consolidate a tour of major theaters in the country.
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